Ekonomiaren Garapen, Jasangarritasun eta Ingurumen Saila

nº 43.
el tiempo
Cuaderno de Bitacora
Stop a moment and... breathe


It's been a few years now since health and areas related to it (emotions, diet, stress, accidents, one's relationship and love with oneself, family relationships, with friends, etc.) became the focus of study for the educational community of Soraluze Secondary School (Gipuzkoa). After several years organising "the health workshop" they decided to launch a yoga programme that looked deeper into the aspect of self-knowledge and reflection. It was such an enriching experience for students and teaching staff that now, although these sessions are no longer organised, they have taken another step forward in this process.

Maintaining health as the central theme of the initiative, during the two previous years they worked on mobility and health, and, naturally, this issue has led participants to come up against the irritating issue of noise and the problems it causes. They decided that a good way to analyse this element could be to allocate some time to reflect in complete silence through contact with oneself. This way, they began to offer to anyone who wanted, in a classroom at school, relaxation and meditation sessions during break time. At first a small group of people participated in these workshops, containing both students and teachers, but it has been such a success that the activity is still held currently.

In recent years, the Soraluze Secondary School has incorporated a relaxation and meditation workshop in break times, aimed at anyone at the school who would like to participate.

ojo Avizor

The twenty or twenty-five minutes start with different conscious breathing exercises to continue with various experiences to relax the body, guided by a teacher. Finally, a visualisation is carried out and, after that, they slowly return to the present.

Those responsible for the experience rate it so positively that they have decided to get all students to join in. With this aim, they have started to work on conscious breathing in the first two or three minutes of each class, an activity that is being increasingly more accepted by teachers.